Dwar of Waw, Lord of the dogs

«Once again, two doors were thrown open and they gave way to two new men; the first was dressed in a long robe, the color of which was indecipherable to be seen, but on which were clearly distinguishable, even from the position in which I was, evil runes and other signs unknown to me: he was bald and did not carry any weapon , except for a long dagger that sometimes peeked out between his robes; two monstrous hounds were at his flanks and they were among the most horrible beasts I had ever sighted up to that moment».

The tale of the Sailor and the Council of Isengard

See also: Dwar of Waw, Third of the Nazgul; Dwar di Waw, il Terzo, il Signore dei Cani


Uvatha, king of Khand

«When I was able to see who had entered the hall, I saw that he was a mighty warrior, adorned with the same armor worn by the captains of the people of Khand. Scarred was the man’s face, as if he had suffered a severe blow in combat; a deep scar extended from the height of the temple to the jaw and he seemed to be in the grip of great fury».

The tale of the Sailor and the Council of Orthanc


See also: Uvatha, the Horseman. The ninth Nazgul

Erfea, prince of Numenor

A winged helmet, forged in mithril, adorned with two plumes intertwined in the white feathers of seabirds, covered his head, while long black hair fell to his strong shoulders, licking a precious mail of galvorn mail, whose luster was such as to be illuminated even by the dim lights of the inn. Tapered greaves and shiny bracelets adorned his legs and arms, while a long blade hung beside him, the hilt of which was carved in blue laen and inlaid by ithildin; a large cloak of noble workmanship, different from the faded cape with which it had hitherto been covered, hung over his shoulders: a graceful elven-made clasp encircled him at the height of the thin neck.

The tale of the sailor and the dwarf fortress

Versione in italiano:

Storia di una grande amicizia: Erfea e Naug Thalion

Altri link utili: Dizionario dei personaggi de «Il Ciclo del Marinaio»

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Gil-Galad, high-king of the Noldor

Gil-Galad. Son of Fingon, High King of the Noldor, one of the three lineages of the Eldar (Elves) featured in Tolkien’s novels. Also known as Erenion. He met Erfea when he was still a teenager and predicted that he would become a great Paladin. He died at the end of the Second Era, falling at the hands of Sauron in the battle that ended that era. He appears in the following tales: The Sailor and the Lord of Endore; The Sailor and the White Tree; The Sailor and the Witch King; The Sailor and the Great Battle; The Council of Orthanc.

See also: Dizionario dei personaggi de «Il Ciclo del Marinaio»

Do you want help me? https://gofund.me/7d835e8d

Miniature & Co. – Il Drago Ando-Anca

Care lettrici, cari lettori,
uno dei miei hobby preferiti è sempre stato quello di dedicarmi alla colorazione delle miniature ispirate al legendarium tolkieniano prodotte dall’azienda irlandese Mithril (https://mithril.ie/). Queste miniature mi sono particolarmente care per due motivi: primo, perché sono state realizzate quando ancora nessuno parlava di riproduzioni cinematografiche del Signore degli Anelli e dell’Hobbit e dunque sono prive di quei stereotipi iconografici che sono derivati dal successo globale delle opere di Peter Jakcson; secondo, perché sono di altissime qualità e rendono possibile – con l’ausilio degli strumenti opportuni – persino a una persona come me, particolarmente inabile in quanto a tecniche pittoriche – la loro colorazione.

Quest’oggi voglio presentarvi la miniatura del Drago Ando-Anca, uno dei tre grandi draghi che presero parte al saccheggio della città di Osgiliath.

Spero vi piaccia, a presto!

«In quel periodo, tre draghi si levavano fra gli altri per possanza e crudeltà e non vi era servo di Morgoth, tra quanti condividevano il domicilio con tali perfide creature, che non ne temesse il gelido soffio e l’astuta parola; tali creature avevano nome Ando-Anca, Bairanax e Angurth ed erano nate dopo gli sconvolgimenti che avevano provocato l’inabissamento del Beleriand, al termine della Prima Era; mai essi avevano mirato le possenti torri di Thangrodim, né scorto, lugubre nella tenebra che la circondava, Barad-Dûr la terribile, eppure alti si levavano in volo e finanche le grandi aquile di Manwë non osavano avvicinarsi a tali contrade, presagendo che un grande male fosse all’opera».

Il Ciclo del Marinaio, p. 292.

Link di approfondimento:

Dizionario dei personaggi de «Il Ciclo del Marinaio»

I Draghi nell’assedio di Gondor